2011-06-14 - College Park Loop


~10.7 miles @ ~9.9 min/mi

Tyranny of the GPS: during the final mile when the display suggests sub-10 min/mi pace is feasible, it suddenly becomes compulsory, a foolish-inevitable drive to achieve. Coincidence: this warm Monday afternoon is a reprise of precisely two years ago on Flag Day, the same 2009-06-14 - UM Loop course along the circuit of Paint Branch Trail, Northeast Branch Trail, and Northwest Branch Trail, at about the same pace. A loud bang! from the tiny airport leads me to check for bullet holes, until I see smoke rising from a golf cart on the runway. Perhaps it's a system to scare away birds? After half a dozen miles fatigue sets in. Two S! electrolyte capsules and five hard sugar-candies fight it.

(cf. GPS trackfile, 2006-01-09 - College Park Loop, 2006-12-08 - Anacostia Tributary Orbit, 2008-09-18 - Anacostia Evening Loop, ...) - ^z - 2011-06-28